Long Range Electric Car Lease Deals

Explore our extensive array of long-range electric vehicle lease deals, tailored to meet your eco-friendly driving needs. Whether you're searching for a long-range Tesla Model 3, an Audi E-tron GT or an SUV we have tailored lease deals that perfectly align with your needs.

34 models

Long Range Electric Leases

Long-range electric car leases are generally advertised by manufacturers as a vehicle with a higher range than a different, sometimes cheaper model. For example, the Polestar 2 is available as the Standard Range Single Motor or the Long Range Single Motor.

Long-range vehicles generally have over 250 estimated usable miles although this is subjective. Long-range cars are great for those who travel lengthier distances and also can reduce what's been dubbed "range anxiety". This may make the switch from a petrol or diesel car more palatable as the driver will worry less about running out of power. Long-range electric cars also may allow the user to solely charge the car at home, possibly reducing the overall cost of charging by avoiding expensive public charging stations.