MPG 49.5
0-62 MPH 129g/km
0-62 MPH 9.4s
BLP £24,112
Per Month £368
MPG 49.5
0-62 MPH 129g/km
0-62 MPH 9.4s
BLP £26,320
Per Month £377

About a Fiat 500X Lease

By selecting to lease a Fiat 500X instead of buying one outright, you get the benefit of driving a brand new car, with only an initial rental and low monthly rentals over the term. This removes the need for the expensive large payments upfront which are attached with a traditional full purchase.

Included in your Fiat 500X lease is Free UK Mainland Delivery, a standard manufacturer's warranty, Fixed rental payments for the entire lease, Road Tax Included and No Risk of Ownership.

If you'd like to find out more about leasing a Fiat 500X please call our expert leasing team on 01494 424242.